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Become a Member
Current Members
The Junior League of Victoria welcomes new members who are interested in volunteerism and community service. We have changed to rolling admissions, so we are happy to welcome new members at any time throughout the year.
Potential members should be at least 23 years of age must reside within a 60 mile radius of Victoria County.
For more information about joining JLV, please contact us at
Become a Member FAQ's
Q: What is the Junior League of Victoria?
A: The Junior League of Victoria is a non-profit organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and to improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. We are one of 292 Junior Leagues located in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The League’s purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. We reach out to women of all races, religions, and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism.
Q: Why should I join the Junior League of Victoria?
A: Membership in the Junior League of Victoria provides many benefits. The most significant is the personal satisfaction that comes with making a positive contribution to our community. The Junior League empowers women through leadership training and development to take action in the Victoria community, all while building relationships with a diverse group of dedicated, talented women. You will learn about the Victoria community and how to collaborate with other organizations to achieve a common goal. As a member, you will receive training and can sharpen your skills in areas such as public speaking, public relations, budgeting, facilitation, team building, fundraising, advocacy, volunteer coordination, and program development. Should you move out of the area, you can transfer your membership to another Junior League.
Q: Who belongs to the JLV?
A: The most common characteristic shared by members is that they are women committed to contributing to our community. The JLV members are a diverse group composed of both married and single women, many with children and many who work fulltime, part-time or are currently stay at home moms.
Q: Isn’t the Junior League really just a social organization?
A: No. The Junior League of Victoria strives to fulfill our mission statement, while focusing on projects supporting our charitable endeavors. The social element is one of the many benefits of League membership, but it is not our primary purpose.
Q: What will my financial obligation be?
A: Active Members of the Junior League of Victoria pay annual dues of $140 and must meet a minimum Fundraising Financial Obligation (FFO) of $175. The FFO requirement may be fulfilled through the purchase of tickets, sponsorships, or cash donations to our annual fundraiser(s). First year provisional members are also required to pay a one-time $75 course fee in addition to required dues.
Q: How do I find out more about the Junior League of Victoria?
A: Every Spring, JLV holds an informational session for prospective new members. This is a wonderful time to get to know the JLV – who we are, what we do and the many ways JLV has impacted and continues to impact the community. Please e-mail JLV at for further information.
Ready to apply to be a member? Fill out your application & email to

Current Members
Privileges of an active JLV member in good standing
Serving on elected committees (Nominating/Placement)
Serving as a committee chairman, Board member, officer, AJLI position or any appointed position
Proposing or endorsing a candidate for membership
Serving as a conference delegate
Resigning in Good Standing with the privilege of reinstatement
Transferring to another League
Receiving Self-Placement
Receiving a Leave of Absence of Sabbatical
Receiving Sustaining Status
Requirements of JLV Members
Active members shall meet their placement obligations. If there are questions, contact the Nominating Placement Committee.
Meeting Attendance
Active and Provisional members are expected to attend all regular, annual, and special meetings of the League. It is the member’s responsibility to sign in at each meeting. Active members are allowed to miss one general meeting a year. After that, they must make up meetings by attending other committee meetings.
Dues must be paid by May 1 for the upcoming League year.
Active members: $140 ($125 plus a $15 hospitality fee)
Provisional members: $215 ($125 plus a $15 hospitality fee plus a one-time fee of $75)
Sustaining members (age 64 and under): $115
Sustaining members (age 65-79): $103
Sustaining members (age 80+) are Emeritus status and pay no dues
Fundraising Financial Obligation (FFO)
The Fundraising Financial Obligation for each member is $175.
The FFO applies to League fundraisers.
This $175 obligation is met through the combination of the following:
The purchase of a ticket or tickets to the primary fundraiser or secondary fundraiser;
The sponsorship of the primary or secondary fundraiser; OR
Cash donation; a donation shall not include the purchase of tickets for games of chance or the purchase of live or silent auction items
Secondary Placement/Fundraising Work Obligation (FWO)
Active and Provisional members must fulfill a Secondary Placement/Fundraising Work Obligation (FWO). All members must work on Charity Ball or an In-League committee as assigned by the Nominating/Placement Committee. Members will be assigned to their Secondary Placement/Fundraising Work Obligation (FWO) at the time of placement. For more information, consult the Placement Interview Guide (PIG).
Provisional Requirements
• Complete the Provisional course
• Attend all regular, annual, and special meetings of the League
• Give service to the League as required by the Board of Directors
• Meet all financial obligations
• Attend all required Education/Training sessions
• Meet Provisional requirements, which may vary annually. Consult the Membership Development Chair or Provisional course outline for detailed Provisional requirements.
Become a Member
The Junior League of Victoria welcomes new members who are interested in volunteerism and community service. We hold informational meetings each spring for women who are interested in joining the League. Each fall, we welcome a new class of Provisional Members.
Potential members must be at least 23 years of age and must reside within a 60 mile radius of Victoria County.
For more information about joining JLV, please contact us at